Spent this week throwing again. I had the urge and it was irresistible. I made a load of handled bowls (a la Dirtkicker Pottery, thank you for your inspiration Cindy) and then threw off the hump yesterday after turning the aforementioned bowls. I had a lump of clay laying around which was getting firm, so I thought I had better use it up. I also wanted to test myself and threw some lidded ball pots, which I turned today after slicing the tops off.
As you can see in the pic. above I've had fun modelling onto a couple of the pots. In front of the "jars?" are a couple of the umpteen condiment bowls I threw at the same time. I have been thinking about throwing some more condiment bowls since I had to throw away the last batch. They are a great shape to throw from the hump, as they force you to repeat the simple opening sweep over and over again. I may post a video showing the process, if I can find the time to edit what I've filmed.
The jars are only small; the pig jar is around 4 or 5" high, to give you an idea of scale.
As you can see the modelling is only loose as I wanted to work as fast as possible. It suits the scale of the jar (maybe I should call them keepsake boxes? What would you call them? Remembering to be polite!).
Anyway I was going to model a human figure onto this last pot, but decided to be base and popular and turned it into a bear instead:
I know it looks rough, but that was the idea. I just tore up pieces of clay and used them to quickly create the form. I think it works well, but let me know if you think I'm misguided. You know I always appreciate creative, honest feedback....up to a point! No swearing please!
Thanks for visiting.
Cute scuptures. Do you ever do Raku? Those scuptures would be fantastic on a raku piece. Shoot. I wanted to see your handled queso bowls.