my website

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave


Thought I had better update you as to my week...where to start?
You've probably noticed that I've updated the look of this blog recently. I liked the new look so much I thought it would be a good idea to give my website an overhaul (while I am starting to get ready to sell) and match it to this blog. Seems simple? So I thought...
I should start by saying I have sworn to do all my online web stuff for free. This may sound strange, but I have learnt from experience that you can spend a lot of money on the web and achieve nothing (I used to do flash web design and games programming so I have some experience). Anyway I downloaded various free website design programs before realising that this blog uses quite advanced techniques, which such software just can't handle. To put it into nerd speak this blog template uses CSS (cascading style sheets) coding which I have never used. I also have never needed to use anything but the most basic HTML commands (html is the basic language used to make web site).
Putting it simply: I discovered that unless I spent a lot of money on web design software I couldn't achieve what I wanted. Or, I could learn how to write code...
Three days later:

Here is my new website layout. It's only a test at the moment but it's getting there. You can see it by clicking the link on this page.
I learnt how to code. Then I loaded it onto my free google sites page and discovered that google sites won't allow CSS content! I then had to learn how to rewrite the code to work within these limitations! I uploaded it today.
It's not exactly the same as this blog, but it's close enough. 
You may wonder what this has to do with being a potter...the answer, nowadays, is: everything. If you don't have a web presence how will people (other than locally) ever discover you? Or buy your work?
If I had gone to a web designer and asked them to do what I wanted it would have cost a substantial amount. I know people who have spent a lot of money on web sites without getting the return such an investment requires. Plus you have to pay for your site space and name every year.
Anyway I've managed it, the web site code was written in notepad! I haven't spent a penny. However I haven't had much sleep either!
Thanks for visiting.


  1. That is nice! I tried out all your links and they worked smooth as silk :)
    Very cool... Now go get some sleep.

  2. That is looking good!
    You deserve a good rest after al that hard work...

  3. I have no idea what all you said but it sure does look nice.


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